for the Bookworms

Stories of an author encountering readers

As an introvert, I was surprised to find one of my favorite things about being an author is in-person events. Because y'all are seriously so fun to meet and connect with. Here are just a few encounters I've had in my year of being published: A girl around 6 years old wanted my psychopathic murderer book. Another kid, this time a young teen, marched straight up to my booth and quickly spilled out: "I like writing stories and I wanna know what my options are, and my teachers say a journalist, but what are my options?" This summer at an event, a lady was looking for someone to room with to save money. Probably not looking for a murder author, but it didn't occur to me at the time... In this blogpost, I tell how each of those stories ended. Check it out.

Central IL, Showcasing other Creatives

A bookworm’s invite to tea with the Queen

Her Majesty's English Tearoom in Central IL is an enchanting place to visit, for tea or for books or for browsing. Here is a sneak-peek from local authors of a few of the fun finds along the way (ahem, you just might find a certain Amy L. Sauder in here somewhere)...

for the Writers, Musings

I murdered for you & I’m not okay

in my book. I should probably clarify that. But isn't that a beautiful blogpost title? 😉 I finished the first draft of my quirky meta murder mystery! Honestly, it happened so fast. I thought I'd be agonizing over the last couple scenes for days. And I just whipped them out and suddenly that was the… Continue reading I murdered for you & I’m not okay


When a murderer won’t shut up at 3am

Have you heard of “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler”? by Italo Calvino. Very interesting book, written in the second person. Saying “You do this, you do that.” Not “I” or “he”, it’s about “you.” And “you” pick up a book at the bookstore, start reading and get enthralled in the tale, then suddenly… Continue reading When a murderer won’t shut up at 3am