
Amy L Sauder - creative fashion, author, photography in Peoria IL

Amy L. Sauder is a writer, educator, creative, and author of introspective psychological stories like I Know You Like a Murder. In her not-so-spare time, she coaches other writers and sells artistic fashion finds.

Amy has been called quirky meta mystery and walking fairytale. Legend has it she’s been cursed by mermaids. But that’s another story.

Artist Statement

I write quirks, obsession, madness, misfits, and unbelonging. I write bigger than life stories….where small nuances change everything. I write to connect: characters to each other, disparaging ideas, and narrator to reader. I write stories of questioning realities. I write the horror between the lines. I walk the line between reality and enchantment. Magical realism. Hope, crushed and fulfilled.

book launch party ideas for authors
Amy L Sauder business card - illustration by Jennifer Esther Wieland
I Know You Like a Murder chapter heading "How Murder Isn't So Bad"

Writing isn’t a one-way street. Readers are what make writers possible. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of books, the power of words, but I moreso believe in the power of readers. As a reader, you wield enormous power. I’m here to hopefully bring you a powerful story, to bring new worlds and old ones, so that you can bring change in your own world.

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For more complete details on Amy’s work, download the media kit. Complete the contact form for inquiries or just to say heyyy 🙂

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