for the Creatives

How to do ALL THE THINGS as a multi-creative

But in juggling all the things, I’ve learned a few tips I thought I’d pass along. If you feel like you’re bombing your resolutions, it’s okay. Let’s reset. Let’s take another month to figure it out, and I won’t tell anybody. Here’s my step by step process to prioritizing. I did it back when I got serious about my writing, and routinely I’ve re-evaluated and adjusted from there. It might help you.

for the Creatives

Juggling & blogging [& yes I’m back, I’m still alive I think]

Jugglers: It’s more fun to drop the ball, right? right??? Okay, fine, that’s wishful thinking because all I can do is drop the ball. Anyone else able to only juggle one ball tops? I’m lucky to toss a ball from one hand to the other instead of across the room. Hand-eye coordination is lost on me. And that’s how I came to drop this ball – this blog – here.