superhero photo in metropolis illinois

We could be heroes just for one day

I've been promoted from superhero seamstress to superhero! I just had to share how fun the Superman Festival in Metropolis, IL is. It's a smalltown affair, but they have a large variety of yummilicious food carts, oodles of superhero collectibles, a myriad of costumed characters, and of course the Superman Museum where I took this picture… Continue reading We could be heroes just for one day

Fashion, My Creative Projects

Superhero divas need a cape

Unless you're in the Incredibles of course 🙂 When my sister said it was superhero day for my Lil Niece (world, meet niece 1 of 3), it was way past halloween and she was just going to drop by the store and look for a cape the night before. Of course they don't have a pink… Continue reading Superhero divas need a cape