Fashion, for the Creatives

Creative Fashion on an Artist’s Budget

Maybe you’re a writer. Or painter. Or dancer. Or card maker, flower arranger, or really any type of creative soul. Now it’s time to look the part.

One thing about artists, they know how to pick their wardrobe. It’s not boring. It’s rambunctious. Daring. Eclectic. Bold patterns, bright colors, varying styles.

(Side note: Maybe you’re one of the creatives that wear the same clothes every day. This blogpost, not about you. Sorry. Try here instead.)

You know why I am against wearing the same clothes every day, despite the claim that it increases decisive behavior the rest of the day? Because creativity needs an outlet, every day. Starting the day with creativity of a fun outfit, it’s life-giving. Being that spark of creativity in the world, it’s life-giving. The world needs creativity, and you need creativity, and this is just one way to have fun with your inner artist.

Here’s some ways I make my own eclectic wardrobe – maybe it will spark some ideas for your own closet 🙂

  1. The Secret Behind My Wardrobe

    Noo, it’s not Narnia (unfortunately.)

    A friend once asked me what stores I shop at, and my secret almost popped out: “I don’t buy clothes.” What?! I hadn’t realized until that moment, but it’s true.

    You see, I couldn’t have my fairytale wardrobe without my fairygodmother friends who pass clothes my way anytime they’re done with them. Dear Kim, of the “Geeks Rule Others Drool” blogsite, keeps my closet fresh (along with sporadic donations from other friends.)

    The truth is, many of my favorite pieces were a blessing I wasn’t expecting. I do shop for clothes (more on that later), but so much of it is actually the generosity of others. My modern patronage system – they give me clothes so I am inspired to write 😉

    Often even when I do shop, my mom has given me a pile of coupons to make everything free or near-free.

    What About You? 
    Maybe you buy clothes. Maybe you don’t have a friend or family member dumping fun clothes in your lap.

    Do you have a friend getting rid of stuff? It doesn’t hurt to ask if you can snag some before the trash or Goodwill or whatever. (Okay, some friends it would hurt. Sometimes it’s just weird to ask a friend if you can have their clothes. I get it.)

    But who are your secret patrons? Who supports your work in tangible or intangible ways? Maybe you get food from a friend’s garden or your couch came from a family member who was pitching it. You may find you have a supporter in an unlikely place, even if it’s not in regards to fashion – sighhhh 🙂

  2. Where to Shop

Besides raiding friends’ and family wardrobes, the answer to most all your problems is at rummage sales and clearance racks of cheaper stores. Trust me on this.

Disagree? “But name-brand quality pricey items last longer. I’m saving money by going to pricier stores.”

Do you hear your hypothetical self? You want to spend a buttload of money on a top so you can wear it for the rest of your life? No. The way to go, buy a cheap top that will wear out in a couple years – then you still have plenty of money to buy a new fun top, because you know what? By a couple of years, you’re ready for something new. Save yourself the problem of “having nothing to wear” with no money because it was spent on a closet full of name-brand items that just won’t wear out already!

There’s my two top tips for watching your budget with an eclectic wardrobe. Friends’ clothes and clearance racks. The leftover scraps and rejects of clothes, those are the funky pieces you need to liven your fashion! There’s just something poetic about it, don’t ya think? 🙂

My next fashion post will be on how to stretch your fashion sense to include more funky pieces – Lord knows I didn’t start with my wacky style! But it’s fun, I promise, and I’ll give you more secrets to get there yourself 🙂 Until then, start looking at reject clothes for your style.

Psst! I go through clothes so fast I don’t know what to do with it. No wait, I do! I pass it on to you – you can shop my closet on PoshMark. Use my friend registration code – AmyLSauder – for $5 off your 1st purchase from any closet. 

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