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Lego typewriter building from a newbie Lego builder

I haven’t touched a Lego set since like….the kid kinds with the larger pieces. But I’m a bibliophile, so of course I couldn’t resist splurging on this monstrosity. And then I wondered if I could even build this Lego typewriter as a newbie….

If you’re interested in purchasing the Lego typewriter, I may receive a portion of sales when you use the affiliate link in this article.

So what’s it like building an “expert level” 2000+ piece set after not touching any Lego since I was like…5…?

“I may have bitten off more than I can chew. And what’s with multiple bags with the same number? Do they go together or separate?”

Me: *categorizing all the pieces from the first bag*

Hubby: “wait, you split them out before building?”

Me: “wait, that isn’t normal?”

This is a typical over-thinking it “Lego typewriter for newbies” faux pas, y’all. Apparently there isn’t one right way to do this. Who knew!?

Thoughts after bag(s) labeled “1” complete: I was worried I’d be bad at it because I’m bad at puzzles, but actually it’s nice having clear directions and methodical creativity. I could get used to this.

Me, planning to have my husband bail me out if I give up, then mid-process finding out he’s never done Lego this big. Y’all, I bought myself – a non-lego-y person – a big box before buying my hubby one! Oops

Me, all ready to become a Lego girl:

And here’s where it starts to look like a typewriter:

It’s about this point that I start worrying the letters don’t “work”, they don’t go up and down much when you “type”. And I realize I’m in over my head, I have no idea when they’re supposed to work.

Newsflash for Lego typewriter building for…well…anyone…

It’s not supposed to work yet, and the instructions will actually say when they are.

Bonus tip: the spacebar isn’t supposed to work. No need to freak out about that.

That one spot started the worrying. That I bit off more than I can chew & just one mistake would make this into that “puzzle” scenario where it becomes frustrating instead of exciting.

I did actually make a couple mistakes, but thankfully ones with minimal backtracking. Guess we’ll have to find out another day if messups will make me ditch Legos as my new leisurely activity.

And it’s finished! I loved it, and it was super user friendly for newbies. My main questions were around “what are the norms I don’t know about” and none of that tripped me up, and maybe that’s ’cause it’s a “you do you” situation 🙂

I wish there were a way to make a similar one with clear casing to see the inner workings because it’s phenomenal. Check it out:

Oh! One last tip: the stickers are in the cardboard that holds the instruction manual! Don’t throw that away too soon like I almost did. Find them first.

So would I do it again?

Would I build another Lego set? Uhmmm…. I’ve kind of got 3 “on deck” now since starting this build. I’m in love and probably so broke as I plan on working on the bouquet, dinosaurs, and bonsai tree next. Oh and of course I like the super expensive sets like ship in a bottle, Titanic, piano, treehouse… you get the drill. If you wanna support this new obsession, you can buy my quirky mystery or ten or a thousand. Thanks for tuning in to this Lego overload 🙂

Note: If you’re interested in the Lego typewriter,
you can purchase through this affiliate link and I may receive a portion of sales.

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